A Vermont humor writer explores the funny side of home, family, and life in the country.
Tax season: my least favorite time of the year
“I had all the documents the accountant needed, and more—the owner’s manual to my sewing machine especially impressed him, I think. ”
Grandkids keep the dull times off
“The grandchildren keep us engaged without a moment’s peace for hours on end. It’s invigorating, honestly.”
Novice treasure hunter strikes paydirt
“A caveat: I don’t know anything about metal detecting.”
Not enough holiday stress? Make candy!
“As I always say about holiday traditions, if it’s not challenging, time consuming, and potentially dangerous, why do it?”
Christmas shopping tests our marriage
“Mark—a slow-moving, avid browser and generous spender—and I—a hermit and a miser (but really quite a hoot once you get to know me)—do not shop well together.”
Art project preempts holiday prep
“I started painting and have since spent a couple of hours at it every day, not wrapping presents or decorating the tree or even making dinner. My newt muse calls.”